Wheeling Services Portal

Bid: Centre Market Outdoor Enhancements

Bid details: Centre Market Outdoor Enhancements

ID: 2024-1

Title: Centre Market Outdoor Enhancements

Bid Start Date : April 29, 2024, 1:42 p.m.

BidEnd Date: May 15, 2024, 2 p.m.

Status: Closed

Active: True


The City of Wheeling is seeking sealed bids for a qualified vendor to provide outdoor enhancements to the Centre Market area. Responses will be accepted until Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. and bids will be opened at that time. For additional information regarding this RFP please contact Brooke Price, Centre Market Manager at bprice@wheelingwv.gov.

The City of Wheeling is looking for the following enhancements:

Additionally, the City of Wheeling is seeking a qualified vendor to install string lighting in Centre Market. String lighting proposal costs should be separate from the above enhancements. Vendors need not be able to provide both the lighting and enhancements and may submit a proposal for only the enhancements listed above or only the lighting if necessary.


  1. This Request for Proposals does not commit the City to enter into an agreement, pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal to this request, or in subsequent exclusive negotiations, or procure or contract for the project.

Final approval of a proposal shall be in compliance with all applicable city, state and federal laws and regulations.

  1. Modifications for Withdrawal of Proposal Submissions:

At any time prior to the specified time and date set for the proposal’s submission, a proposer, or his/her designated representative, may withdraw a proposal.

  1. Reservations of Rights by the City:

The issuance of the Request for Proposals and the acceptance of Proposal statements does not constitute an agreement by the City that any contract will actually be entered into by the organization.  The City expressly reserves the right to:

    1. Reject any or all Proposal Statements;

    1. Re-issue and/or amend this Request for Proposals;

    1. Extend the time frame for submission of Proposal statements by notification to all parties who have registered an interest in the Request for Proposals with the City of Wheeling;

    1. Request supplemental information for any or all applicants.  The foregoing granting of exclusive negotiation rights does not commit the City to accept all of the terms of the proposal.  Final terms of any agreement will be agreed upon during negotiations.  Negotiations may be terminated by the City for failure to reach mutually agreeable terms;

    1. Request that the applicant(s) make a presentation of the submitted proposal; and

    1. Waive any default in the proposed language.                                        

  1. Applicant Certification

By submission of this Proposed Statement, the applicant certifies that the proposer has not paid or agreed to pay any fee or commission, or any other thing of value contingent on the award of this contract to any employee, official, or current contracting consultant to the City.

The applicant certifies that the financial information in this statement has been determined independently and without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition as to any matter relating to such costs with any other proposal or proposer.

  1. Right to Disqualify

The City reserves the right to disqualify any applicant on the basis of any real or apparent conflict of interest that is disclosed by the statement submitted or any other data available to the City.  This disqualification is at the sole discretion of the City.  By submission of a statement hereunder, the proposer waives any right to object now or at any future time before any body or agency, including, but not limited to the City, or any court, as to the exercise by the City of such right to disqualify, or as to any disqualification by reason of real or apparent conflict of interest determined by the City.

  1. Applicant Incurred Cost

Each applicant is responsible for all costs incurred in preparing a response to this Request for Proposals.



The City of Wheeling is seeking sealed bids to install outdoor enhancements (seating, bike racks, lighting, etc.) to the Centre Market.

The details pertaining to the redevelopment are identified in Request for Proposals #2024-1.  A copy of the document may be obtained at www.wheelingwv.gov or from the Economic and Community Development Department, City-County Building, Room 305, 1500 Chapline Street, Wheeling, West Virginia 26003 or at the office of the Centre Market Manager located in the upper market house.  Telephone: (304) 234-3701 or (304) 312-5487.

The deadline for submission of proposals is Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. E.S.T. and bids will be opened at that time.  The City reserves the right to extend the deadline. 

Trash receptacles, this style or similar (color: black)

Benches, this style or similar (color: black)

Café tables, this style or similar (color: black)

Perforated 4 seat tables, this style or similar (color: black)

Perforated accessible tables, this style or similar (color: black)

Bike racks, this style or similar (color: black)
